PSHE at Chandlers Ridge
We hold children at the heart of our curriculum and enable them to understand and value themselves and others, making a positive contribution to the diverse world that they live in. With a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, our PSHE provision endeavours to deliver and promote a broad, balanced and progressive spiral curriculum which is accessible to all.
By embedding the Jigsaw programme, children feel the freedom to engage in open and honest discussions in a safe environment, challenge gender stereotypes, appreciate the impact of their personal choices made by themselves and others and understand their own and others’ mental health. This supports the ‘Personal Development’ and ‘Behaviour and Attitudes’ required in the Ofsted framework as well as contributing to the school’s Safeguarding and Equality Duties, British values and SMSC. We also encourage children to reflect on their learning experiences and the progress they have made. While Jigsaw facilitates our delivery of the PSHE (and statutory RSE) curriculum, our provision is responsive and adapted for our children as the individuals they are.
These principles permeate through all that we do and cannot be separated fully and is therefore a part of our shared ethos.