At Chandlers Ridge, our school attendance target is 96%. Research suggests that even missing a little bit of school year on year, children can leave school with lower opportunities than they are capable of. As a school we strive to give children the best chance in life and this includes encouraging excellent attendance.

Attendance is monitored on a daily basis, and we report this weekly via our eNewsletter, and send parents and carers a letter if their child’s attendance causes concern. Parents may also be requested to attend a meeting at school about attendance if this fails to improve.

If your child is ill, please telephone school before 9.00am on the first day with the reason for your child’s absence and continue to report their absence if they are absent further days.

In line with the Government Guidelines, term time holidays will not be authorised, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please complete the leave of absence form available from the office. . Please note parents could receive a fine for taking children out of school for holidays.

School must be informed of any medical or dental appointments and evidence may be requested. Please email or phone school to arrange this prior to the appointment.

You can view our attendance policy here.
