Curriculum Statement

At Chandlers Ridge Academy, we pride ourselves on providing an exciting and engaging curriculum which will inspire children to nuture a passion for life-long learning.
Our curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all pupils. We value first quality teaching and through structured learning opportunities, all children regardless of their starting points, can make progress. We deliver the National Curriculum to ensure coverage and progression of skills in all subject areas. Teachers use questions to engage the children in their learning. Furthermore, children are also encouraged to ask their own questions to drive their curiosity and these are then used to shape their learning further. Visits and visitors are also used to enrich their learning experiences and also to make their learning more fun and memorable.
Throughout school, children are given time to practise necessary skills (fluency) but then are challenged further by the use of reasoning and problem solving. These activities are designed to give children the opportunity to deepen their learning by applying their skills, often in a real life and meaningful manner.
Our curriculum strives to promote and foster confidence, independence, co-operation and self-esteem throughout the time the children are at Chandlers Ridge Academy, which will prepare them for life in 21st Century Britain. It is based on the belief that every child should be provided with an equal opportunity to take ownership of and become masters of their own learning. As well as the academic subject areas (e.g English, geography and P.E.), it also ensures that creativity and problem solving, reliability, responsibility and resilience, as well as physical development, well-being and mental health are key elements that support the development of the whole child and it promotes a positive attitude to learning. The spiritual, moral and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding on fundamental British Values are woven throughout the curriculum. This will provide our children with the foundations to make a valuable contribution to their community.