Breakfast and After School Club
Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am – start of school (varies for each year group due to staggered times), breakfast is provided and this runs term time only.
At the start of the day all children are escorted to their teaching areas.
After School Club opens from the staggered end of school– 5:45pm, a snack and a drink are provided and this runs term time only.
At the end of their school session, children will be collected from their teaching areas and taken to wraparound in the hall.
You must collect your child before the closing time of 5:45pm each day. The staff are not paid after this time, anyone picking up late will occur an extra session charge to your invoice that week.
See the attached form for prices and to register your child.
Wraparound Registration Form
For more information please contact the school office on 01642 312741