Maths at Chandlers Ridge
Our Mathematics Curriculum Intent at Chandlers Ridge Academy:
- Instils a love of learning;
- Equips pupils for everyday life;
- Is well planned and well sequenced;
- Has breadth, depth and ambition for all;
- Has full scope to ensure challenge for all;
- Has high expectations and rigour, with careful scaffolding where necessary;
- Guarantees long-term learning and ensures pupils know more, remember more and can do more;
- Is underpinned by a range of research;
- Reflects our Trust ethos, inspiring excellence and equality for all.
Implementation of our curriculum:
At Chandlers Ridge, we teach mathematics across five different areas: Number, Ratio and Proportion, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics. Within EYFS, the areas are number, shape, space and measures. In lessons, we use the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach in order to embed understanding and build competency. This means that, to begin with, all children learn a mathematical concept by ‘doing’ with physical manipulatives. These can include dienes, numicon, bead strings and other resources. Then they move on to drawing pictures to model this same concept. This can include number lines, a bar model or a number square. Lastly, children use what they have learned to apply this concept abstractly: completing number sentences with digits and symbols. All mathematical learning uses a combination of concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to aid children in their fluency of concepts. After our involvement with Archimedes Maths hub, we are using ‘The Big 5’ to develop a mastery approach to learning and aim to promote mathematical thinking through talk. We provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem solving elements into the curriculum whilst also focusing on developing pupils’ fluency.
Through their daily lessons, children will develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Teachers deliver the curriculum using White Rose Maths and this is enriched through the use of Nrich, Twinkl , NCTEM and STEM based activities. Children are encouraged to make the link between their reasoning and problem solving skills and future application of their mathematical understanding. Our curriculum is designed to be sequential and it builds on prior learning through small steps that makes it ambitious for all. Our children enjoy their maths lessons and focus on number and fluency before making links and connections through problem solving and reasoning tasks.
Effective teaching is supported by discussion, assessment during lessons and feedback being given within 24 hours where possible. Many misconceptions are address during lessons and staff plan SMART activities to embed key learning. We model and encourage children to develop their own strategies to solve problems and achieve very good outcomes.
The Impact of our Maths Curriculum at Chandlers Ridge Academy:
Attainment at KS1 – 2023:
Attainment at KS1 Expected Standard – 73%
Attainment at KS1 Great Depth Standard – 23%
Attainment at KS2 – 2023:
Attainment at KS2 Expected Standard – 91% (Top 10% of schools nationally
Attainment at KS2 Greater Depth Standard -34% (Top 40% of schools nationally)
Progress at KS2 – 2023:
Progress at end of KS2 2.7 (Top 20% of schools nationally)
Children in KS1 have access to Numbots. It is a useful and fun way to learn addition and subtraction facts. Please contact staff at school if children need a password reminder.
Children in KS2 can access MyMaths using their Username and Password. Parents might also find it useful to support learning at home. Please contact staff at school if children need a password reminder.