Geography at Chandlers Ridge
Our vision is for all children to be at age related expectations in Geography, having quality first teaching to help them to understand the human, physical and environmental knowledge and skills to make impactful change. The curriculum is designed to ensure that all children have strong cultural capital and an awareness of the world around them, regardless of their life experiences.
EYFS begin the journey through the ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’ objective. They also use the word ‘Geography’ as part of their teaching to ensure early exposure. KS1 and 2 continues the content coverage of the National Curriculum. The NC is divided up to cover a specific set of skills in each key stage, which ensures the coverage is both progressive and appropriate.
Lessons are taught in a sequential manner so early vocabulary is developed first – all children can then access the text and cultural differences are not to have an impact on the lessons. Small steps are used with regular revisiting of the most key information.
Related vocabulary is used frequently and displayed prominently, including the use of knowledge organisers. Lessons should begin with SMART tasks to revise knowledge from both recent and more historic lessons e.g. a question from the previous lesson, from the previous topic and/or from a previous year group. Skills can be applied both through regular geography lessons but also through class discussions around topical news related issues as well as other subjects in which geographical topics may arise.