Writing at Chandlers Ridge
To develop our pupils as writers we:
- Teach them to write effectively for a range of purposes and reasons, adapting their vocabulary and style as appropriate.
- Teach key vocabulary explicitly ensuring word meaning is understood.
- Encourage them to write with interest, commitment and enjoyment – providing memorable experience days to raise levels of engagement and help children know more and remember.
- Show them how to write in a variety of forms such as stories, poems, reports and letters.
- Show them how to evaluate and edit to improve their own writing.
- Give individual writing targets and personalised feedback after final writing of extended pieces.
- Show them how to use punctuation to make meaning clear to their reader.
- Give them the knowledge and the strategies to become confident and accurate spellers.
- Teach them a fluent, cursive and legible style of handwriting, promoting an understanding of how to present work appropriately in-line with our school handwriting scheme.
- Teachers monitor progression through effective questioning and on-going formative assessment of lesson outcomes
Writing for a variety of purposes engages the children to produce high-quality and technical pieces of writing that they can be truly proud of. Teachers use their exceptional subject knowledge to increase the level of vocabulary in lessons, providing challenge for all children and create an atmosphere when the children are motivated to work hard and are successful.
As the children advance through the school, they acquire knowledge of how the skills needed for these writing genres progress in their complexity and learn the grammar and sentence types needed. Children are taught the process of being a reflective writer by practising skills, drafting,
proof-reading and editing. Furthermore, they are taught the importance of making specific word choices as well as increasing automaticity and legibility in their handwriting.
All objectives from the National Curriculum are covered and we teach the writing process through the use of ‘The Write Stuff’ where the children work on word banks within the lesson and how these can be combined into a variety of sentences. They then have the opportunity to apply these skills independently at the end of the unit in their writing task. Skills are sequenced in small step progression to ensure that all children can be successful and also repeated where necessary so that they are retained in the long term memory.
All year groups follow a long term plan to ensure progression of skills and coverage of all writing. These writing tasks cater for pupils of all interests and reinforce content in others areas such as geography, science and history. In addition, children are taught how to express themselves and respond to ‘real-life’ situations. It provides them with an outlet for them to be creative and artistic.
We recognise that developing English skills can allow children both now and, in their adult, lives to find out about real life issues and become engaged with them.
Writing Outcomes
Teacher Assessment |
2018 |
2019 |
2022 |
Year 2 expectations inc. GD |
79% |
79.5% |
75% |
Year 2 greater depth |
24.2% |
25% |
12.5% |
Teacher Assessment |
2018 |
2019 |
2022 |
Year 6 expectations inc. GD |
95.1% |
96.1% |
94.8% |
Year 6 greater depth |
31.7% |
47.1% |
36.2% |