At Chandlers Ridge Academy, we encourage children to apply phonic knowledge as their first approach to reading and spelling, blending phonemes to read words and segmenting them into their constituent phonemes to spell words. We teach our children to read and write all 44 grapheme-phoneme correspondences using a structured approach based on sequenced teaching that reinforces and builds on previous learning using ‘Letters and Sounds’.
Within EYFS and KS1, phonics is taught in daily 20-30 minutes sessions using a multi-sensory approach. To engage all learners, the teaching is lively, interactive, and investigative. Children work in ability groups within EYFS, Year One, Year 2 and beyond to target phonics teaching more specifically and lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of each child. Careful thought is given to the provision of appropriately structured work for children of all abilities ensuring that they can access phonics at their level. Intervention strategies are put into place to support groups of children or individuals who are making less than expected progress.
Individual assessments are made half termly which provides a rigorous check of phonics based on the phases set out in ‘Letters and Sounds’. Analysis of these assessments provides the basis for groupings, informs teachers planning to ensure lessons provide challenge, and are used to highlight the needs of individuals and groups of children. The children are given opportunities to reinforce and apply acquired phonic knowledge across all curriculum subjects, developing their skills through a range of activities and experiences throughout their time in school.
To complement our phonics, we use a banded reading system which consists of a range of publishers such as Oxford, Collins Big Cat and Pearson’s Bug Club to give children a rounded reading experience.
Reading at Chandlers Ridge Academy and how to support your child