Art at Chandlers Ridge
Our vision for Art is that all children to be at age related expectations in Art, having quality first teaching to help them learn new skills and that they are provided with the resources they require to explore their creativity.
Lessons are taught in a sequential manner so all children can then access the subject and cultural differences are not to have an impact on the lessons. Content is age appropriate and to engage pupils by being varied. Subject to move away from being Topic based to being skills based. Skills are revisited and built on so they can be committed to long term memory. We believe that children should not feel judged on the outcome of their work, they should work in a safe, nurturing environment where children can take risks. Art has a unique ability to explore all other parts of the curriculum. Art should have no set expectations the journey is important.
In 2019 as a school, we completed Art Discovery Award in conjunction with MIMA (Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art).
During the year, within our Trust, we have an artist who we study for a week-long art focus for whole school culminating in an exhibition for parents. In 2021, the artist was McKenzie Thorpe and as well as the art gallery in school some pieces were on show in his gallery in Richmond.